Information prior to enrolment
The website of the University of Cordoba is designed to provide comprehensive information and guidance to first-year students. To achieve this aim, there is a specific portal for students containing the following sections: (1) Estudios y Centros (programmes of studies and schools and faculties); (2) Másteres oficiales y Doctorado (official master’s and PhD programmes); (3) Espacio Europeo (European Higher Education Area); (4) Información en línea (information on line); (5) Formación permanente (lifelong learning); y (6) Libre elección curricular (free electives).
Pursuant to the requirements contained in Real Decreto 822/2021, de 28 de septiembre, which specifies the obligation of Spanish Universities to acquire accessible information systems and procedures for the reception and orientation of incoming students, the University of Cordoba has redesigned the Student Information Office (OIE) with a view to providing students with all the necessary information relating to the university, including organisational aspects, the academic offering (official and UCO degree programmes), the most important services for students, and others. The OIE has its own website , housed in the University portal where information directly affecting students is updated regularly.
Pre-university students will find the Guía del estudiante and the Guía de salidas laborales
. particularly helpful. Both of these guides provide detailed information on the university system, admission and enrolment processes, the academic offering of the University of Cordoba (degree programmes, optional and free-elective courses), the academic calendar, transportation, the main job prospects of the degrees offered by the University of Cordoba, and much more.
The OIE provides information regarding pre-registration information systems and the reception and orientation of incoming students. The activities carried out by the OIE include:
- Informative sessions in secondary and vocational training schools. Each year the OIE visits 72 public and private schools in Cordoba to provide students interested in pursuing a university degree all the necessary information to do so prior to graduation. The OIE provides information about:
- University entrance exams
- Admissions:
- Andalusian universities. Admissions procedures
- Distrito Abierto. Procedure
- Programmes of study. Types and structure
- Scholarships and financial aid: Main sources
- Higher education reform
- Informative sessions in secondary schools aimed specifically at students in their last year of compulsory education. Naturally the information provided to these students is different than that given to secondary and vocational education students. The information focuses on the academic offering of the University of Cordoba and how to access university degrees (especially degree programmes with a limited number of openings).
- Organise and participate in sectoral meetings. These meeting are held with the orientation departments of secondary schools and have as their aim to provide updated information regarding the university, particularly admissions.
- Organisation of orientation sessions. These sessions are held annually on Rabanales Campus to give students the opportunity to visit the facilities of the University of Cordoba in situ.
- Participation in educational fairs. The fairs are organised at the provincial, regional and national levels to inform prospective students about the academic offering and services available at the University of Cordoba.
- In addition to these activities offered at the University of Cordoba, both the Faculty of Education and the “Sagrado Corazón” Teacher Training School hold informative sessions during the academic year for compulsory education, secondary school and vocational training students as well as for students at the university. The aim of these sessions is provide students information about college life and degree programmes in the field of education.
The objectives covered by these lines of action are:
- First, to serve the mission of any public administration, that is, to provide a service to the community. These outreach actions permit students who are about to graduate from secondary school to come into close contact with the university setting, while complementing the training of guidance counsellors and providing them with important materials to facilitate their work.
- Second, it provides students the opportunity to assess which programmes of study are best for them. While many citizens of Cordoba overvalue programmes of study at private institutions, these interventions in secondary schools permit the University of Cordoba to maximise its academic prestige.
- Third, these lines of action provide the opportunity for secondary school students and their families to learn about the programmes of studies offered at the University of Cordoba with maximum employability and compare them to higher level training cycles (a more immediate option in terms of employability).
Admissions criteria and specific requirements or entrance exams
There are no specific requirements or entrance exams
Specific procedures and mechanisms for access to information by people with disabilities and their subsequent support and guidance once enrolled
The University of Cordoba has established mechanisms and procedures to provide advice and support to students with disabilities and special educational needs. To provide guidance to incoming students with disabilities, the University of Cordoba has created the UANE (Specific Needs Division). The actions of the UANE are divided into four phases, as listed below:
Preliminary stage:
- Contact guidance counsellors at secondary schools in the city and province of Cordoba to anticipate the needs of disabled students interested in pursuing a university degree.
- Contact the coordinators of university entrance exams and provide them technical advice so that they may take the appropriate measures to ensure people with disabilities have access to entrance exams.
- The “Sagrado Corazón” and UCO website are designed in accordance with the established protocols to ensure accessibility by people with disabilities. The Offices of the Registrar at each of the UCO’s schools and faculties are also available during normal working hours to provide information to people with disabilities.
Data collection phase and first contact with disable students enrolled at the UCO:
- The computerised registration process for incoming students allows users to indicate if they are disabled. This permits us to obtain a list of all incoming students with disabilities.
- Once the UANE receives the list, the process is as follows:
- The UANE guidance counsellor contacts students from the list to inform them about the services and assistance available at the UCO, as well as to verify their email addresses and data to ensure that they receive our emails, calls or messages correctly.
- The UANE then holds a meeting with all the incoming students where they can express their needs.
- Once this initial information about the incoming students has been obtained, we look for peers in higher courses with similar needs, and if possible pursuing the same degree, to help and accompany new students taking their first steps in college life. This is important not only in academic terms, but also to ensure that students with disabilities are fully integrated and adjust well to college life.
Individualised support services:
- Once the academic year is underway, and the students have had time to meet their teachers and get to know their classmates, individualised lines of action are developed for those requiring the support of the UANE. The first step is to ensure that the students themselves, with our support, will be in charge of solving any problems that may arise.
- The assistance provided may include:
- Contact a classmate to take notes in class, assist students in wheelchairs to get from one building to another, etc. Servicio “Solida@s UANE”.
- Loan FM devices to students with hearing disabilities.
- Loan anatomical seat back units to students with severe back problems.
- Provide Spanish sign language interpreters for the hearing impaired.
Follow up:
- For each student, we set up an appointment calendar to check how the process unfolds. In addition to these appointments, students may request our support at any time by telephone, mail, fax or in person.