UNICORSA: una experiencia de método del caso común y multidisciplinar para diez asignaturas de las ramas de ciencias sociales y jurídicas
El proyecto de innovación docente “UNICORSA: un método del caso común y multidisciplinar para diez asignaturas de las ramas de ciencias sociales y jurídicas”, fue una iniciativa común de cuatro departamentos y seis áreas de conocimiento de la rama de ciencias sociales y jurídicas de la Universidad de Córdoba orientado a aplicar en la práctica los conocimientos teóricos transmitidos por cada una de estas áreas. A tal fin, se creó una empresa ficticia, UNICORSA, que actuó como protagonista de todas las actividades prácticas planteadas por el profesorado participante en sus respectivas asignaturas. Ello permitió un estudio multidisciplinar de las distintas vicisitudes por las que debía pasar dicha empresa en su vida económica, jurídica y social.
The teaching innovation project “UNICORSA: a single and multidisciplinary case-study method for ten subjects in the field of social and legal sciences”, was a joint initiative of four departments and six areas in the field of social and legal sciences of the University of Córdoba aiming to implement the technical knowledge transmitted by each of these areas. To this end, UNICORSA, a fictitious company, was created in order to play the main role of all the practical activities proposed by the participating teachers in their respective courses. This led to a multidisciplinary study of the various events that UNICORSA had to go through in its economic, legal and social life.
At the end of the term, a seminar entitled “Board of directors of the UNICORSA company” was held and the students involved in the project participated by presenting the solutions (reports) to the cases raised by the teachers in the different subjects. As in any shareholders' meeting, the approval of each of the reports was put to a vote. Among the main results achieved, it is worth highlighting the visibility of the practical application of the theoretical skills and knowledge acquired by the participants, the integration of multidisciplinary knowledge and the improvement of skills when interacting with other people from different training disciplines to achieve a common goal.
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Revista electrónica "Docencia y Derecho" - ISSN: 2172-5004
Facultad de Derecho y CC. EE. y Empresariales
Plaza Puerta Nueva, s/n
14002 Córdoba