IP  Alexander Maz Machado

Reference PAIDI: SEJ-589

Page web:  http://www.uco.es/mates/index.html

Members of the Department that belong to the group:

Alexander Maz Machado

Carmen León Mantero

Noelia Noemí Jiménez Fanjul

José Román Galo Sánchez

Jesús Montejo Gámez

David Gutiérrez Rubio

Members of the Department that belong to the group:

Fernando Enrique Almaraz Menéndez (Universidad de Salamanca)

María José Madrid Martín (Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)

Lines of investigation:
  • History of mathematics and mathematics education
  • Science evaluation and bibliometrics
  • Errors and difficulties in mathematical learning
  • Attitudes and beliefs towards mathematics

ICT resources and tools in mathematics educationProyectos:

Title: The teaching of mathematics in Spain in the 18th century. Description and comparative analysis of textbooks

IP:  Alexander Maz Machado

Other researchers: Noelia Jiménez, Carmen León, Jesús Montejo, Pilar Gutiérrez, Antonio Oller, Carmen López, Ana Carabias, Mª José Madrid, Ana Santiago, José Mª Muñoz.

Reference:  EDU2016-78764-P

Entity: Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness

Execution time:  30/12/2016 al 29/12/2019

Title:The diffusion of mathematical knowledge at the birth of the printing press: description and comparative analysis of Arithmetic from the 16th century written in Spanish 

IP:  Alexander Maz Machado

Others researchers:  Carmen López, Ana Carabias, Bernardo Gómez, Vicente Meavilla, Modesto Sierra

Reference:  EDU2011-27168

Entity:  Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness

Execution time:  01/12/2012 al 31/12/2015