This project is to be done individually and presented and defended before a committee of professors. This project must pertain to the field of specific Civil Engineering technology (Civil Construction and Hydrology) in a profesional way, synthesizing and integrating competences learned at university.

The Senior Project (in Spanish Trabajo Fin de Grado and abbreviated to TFG) must be original work done individually, and must consist of a technical project or the first steps of a research project. Students may choose from one 18-ECTS-credit project that contains two specific kinds of technology within the Civil Engineering degree program (Civil Construction and Hydrology), or two separate 9-ECTS-credit projects, one on each kind of specific technology.


At the last Senior Project Committee meeting, it was decided that specific proposals for senior projects can be presented at any time during the academic year. These proposals must be approved by the Committee and later by the School Board.

- Professors can present generic proposals in the month September.

- Students who wish to present a generic proposal may apply to do so at any point during the academic year as well.

- Once a generic senior project has been assigned to a student, s/he must contact the profesor who presented the proposal, and prepare the Specific Proposal senior project document.

- A senior project may be presented during the academic year, once the advisor authorizes the presentation and submits a report on the skills acquired by the student as a result of doing his/her senior project.

Specific methodological guidelines for senior projects

Student will be trained by attending activites such as seminars, about specific activities needed to do their senior project.


Specific assessment methods for senior projects

Presenting and defending an original piece of individual work before a university committee approved by the Board. Senior projects must abide by the current regulations approved by the school board.

Before presenting and defending a senior project, the student must have fulfilled a B1 prerequisite in a foreign language.


Senior Project regulations

- Senior Project regulations for degree programs at Belmez Polytechnic School of Higher Education