- Categoría profesional: Profesora Asociada DEA
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Publicaciones (selección):
- Martínez Jurado, M.E. (2006) “A revision of the differences between nucleus placement in English and Spanish and the way they influence second language learners’ productions.” In Mourón Figueroa, C. & T. Moralejo Gárate (eds.). Studies in Contrastive Linguistics. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 603-610
- Martínez Jurado, M.E. (2006) “A study of the acquisition of English consonant clusters by Spanish students.” En Interlingüística 16.
- Guerrero Medina, P. & M.E. Martínez Jurado (2006) Where Grammar Meets Discourse. Functional and Cognitive Perspectives. Universidad de Córdoba.
- Martínez Jurado, M.E. (2005) “The acquisition of second language intonation patterns: a discourse approach.” En Interlingüística 15, 909-918.