The Faculty of Veterinary Sciences at the University of Córdoba provides the opportunity to take some subjects in English within the Degree in Veterinary Sciences.

To access the bilingual programme it is required for the students to possess a minimum B1 English level.

Students who successfully complete any of these subjects will be granted a Certificate by the University of Cordoba (Spain), which will be included in the European Diploma Supplement.

Food Science and Technology (Bilingual Programme)

Coordinator of the bilingual programme

Jaime Gómez Laguna

Committee members

Jaime Gómez Laguna

Leandro Buffoni Perazzo

Elena Carrasco Jiménez

Guadalupe Gómez Baena

Nieves Núñez Sánchez

Silvia de la Cruz Ares

Inmaculada Rodríguez Delgado

Laura Aguilera Aguilar

Giuditta Capadi

► Application form for admission in the programme
► Step-by-step guide on how to enrol in the bilingual programme


CodeCourseSemesterTypeEnglish ECTSTotal ECTS Syllabus 23-24Syllabus 24-25
102210 Biochemistry1 2nd Basic 6 6 Basic guide Basic guide
1Bilingual teaching: theory and practices in English
2Bilingual teaching: theory in Spanish and practices in English
CodeCourseSemesterTypeEnglish ECTSTotal ECTSSyllabus 23-24Syllabus 24-25
102222 Descriptive Food Science1 2nd Compulsory 6 6 Basic guide Basic guide
102233 Food Microbiology1 2nd Compulsory 6 6 Basic guide Basic guide
102223 Foundations of Animals Production2 2nd Compulsory 2 4.5 Basic guide Basic guide
1Bilingual teaching: theory and practices in English
2Bilingual teaching: theory in Spanish and practices in English
CodeCourseSemesterTypeEnglish ECTSTotal ECTSSyllabus 23-24Syllabus 24-25
102220 Food Analysis1 1st Compulsory 6 6 Basic guide Basic guide
102238 * Waste Management in the Food Industry: module of Wastewater Treatment 1st Compulsory 2.4 6 Basic guide Basic guide
102235 ** Food Toxicology (only practical sessions)2 2nd Compulsory 2,7 6 Basic guide Basic guide
102232 Foundations of Food Hygiene1 2nd Compulsory 6 6 Basic guide Basic guide
1Bilingual teaching: theory and practices in English
2Bilingual teaching: theory in Spanish and practices in English
Módulo Bilingüe Grado en Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos
CodeCourseSemesterTypeEnglish ECTSTotal ECTSSyllabus 23-24Syllabus 24-25
102255 Improvement of the Quality of Food of Animal Origin through Genetic Methodologies1 2nd Elective 3 3 Basic guide Basic guide
102294 Use of NIRS Technology for feed and food characterization and safety1 2nd Elective 3 3 Basic guide Basic guide
102257 Bioreactors1 2nd Elective 3 3 Basic guide Basic guide
102250 Colloids. Fundamentals and Applications in Food 1st Elective 3 3 Basic guide Basic guide
102244 Degree Final Project1 2nd Compulsory 6 6 - -
1Bilingual teaching: theory and practices in English
2Bilingual teaching: theory in Spanish and practices in English