
Last updated: September 18, 2024

September 11, 2024: María del Carmen Muñoz-Marín and José Manuel García-Fernández participated at the “La noche en ruta” activity, within the #EuropeanResearchersNight2024, to speak about “The lungs of our planet” with people in Villaharta (Córdoba). Thanks to Unidad de Cultura Científica (University of Cordoba) for the organization!

Follow our @Cyanotrans twitter account for a full update on our activities.

September 29, 2023: María Agustina Domínguez-Martín, Yésica Melero-Rubio, Elisa Angulo-Cánovas,  Teresa García-Oneto and Claudia Moyano participated at the European Researchers Night 2023, in the “Feria de los Ingenios” activity at the Rectorate of the University of Córdoba. Thanks to Unidad de Cultura Científica (University of Cordoba) for the organization!

October 1st, 2022: María Agustina Domínguez-Martín, Elisa Cánovas and José Manuel García-Fernández participated at the European Researchers Night 2022, in a beautiful patio in Córdoba, where we discussed about photosynthesis in the oceans and many other interesting topics related to Science. Thanks to Unidad de Cultura Científica (University of Cordoba) for the organization!

November 27, 2020: Jesús Díez, Guadalupe Gómez-Baena, María del Carmen Muñoz-Marín and José Manuel García-Fernández participated at the European Researchers Night 2020, in the activity “Ciencia a mesa y mantel”, with neighboors from Priego de Córdoba: we discussed about science while having dinner, by videoconference imposed by COVID19. Thanks to Unidad de Cultura Científica (University of Cordoba) for the organization, and to the restaurant El Astronauta for kindly providing dinner!

September, 2019: European Researchers Night

Antonio, Guadalupe, José Ángel and Yésica participated in dissemination activities next to the Rectorate of the University of Córdoba. Jesús and José Manuel participated in Patios de Ciencia, in a beautiful patio in Córdoba.

July, 2019:

Antonio, Guadalupe and Yésica worked during a week with high school students on the cloning of genes involved in the nitrogen metabolism in marine cyanobacteria, in the activity Campus de Investigación, organized by the University of Córdoba. The stage was a success and students enjoyed it big time.






February, 2019:

Guadalupe was working for several weeks with students from EPLEFPA Bordeaux Gironde, who have been learning and practicing different biochemistry and molecular biology techniques.

Guadalupe, Mari, Yesica, Antonio and Jose Angel participated again at the Ingenios en ruta activity in different schools of Cordoba and its province:

Mari and Antonio at the CEIP Torre de la Malmuerta School, 3rd cycle EPO (Cordoba)

Yesica and Jose Angel at the @ColegioAlauda (Cordoba) with students of 5th and 6th year.

Mari and Jose Angel at the CEIP

Marques de Guadalcazar (Cordoba).

Yesica and Mari at the Maestro

Juan Hidalgo school, Cardena (Cordoba).

January, 2019:

Students from the high schools Sagrada Familia (Cordoba), IES Herrera (Herrera), IES Los Pedroches (Pozoblanco), IES Colonial (Fuente Palmera), IES San Alvaro (Cordoba) and IES Atalaya (Casariche) came to our labs to learn on physiological buffers. Mari and Yesica were working with them in the dissemination activity Jornadas de 

Introducción al Laboratorio de Ciencias de la Vida.

March 20, 2018:

Guadalupe and Antonio participated at the Ingenios en ruta dissemination activity, organized by the University of Cordoba. This time they visited the Al Yassunna school, in Lucena.

March 6, 2018:

Guadalupe and Antonio participated at the Ingenios en ruta dissemination activity, organized by the University of Cordoba to disseminate scientific activities among students. This time they visited the Gongora school, in Almodovar.

February 10, 2018:

Mari gave a talk in a Las que cuentan en la ciencia event held at MODO, in Cordoba. Here you can see the full talk:

February 6, 2018:

Mari and Jose Angel participated at the Ingenios en ruta activity, organized by the University of Cordoba to disseminate scientific activities among high school students. They visited the Antonio Gala high school, in Palma del Rio, to explain our research on photosynthetic organisms in the ocean.

November 6, 2017:

Jose Angel participated yesterday at the Coffee with science organized by the University of Cordoba to disseminate scientific activities among high school students. Further information here

October 20, 2017:

Mari just returned home after participating in the Hawaii Ocean Time-Series Cruise 297, working in collaboration with Dr. Solange Duhamel (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University), Dr. Karyn M. Bjorkman and Prof. David Karl (University of Hawaii). 

October 4, 2017:

The TRANSUCYNA project, funded by the European Union, and Mari are highlighted at the October 2017 issue of the TRUCO bulletin published by the University of Cordoba. You can read the full article here

September 29, 2017, European Researchers Night:

Lupe and Antonio had great fun showing to kids what Prochlorococcus is about, doing chromatographies on paper, playing with little balls of Prochlorococcus, and drawing cells of Prochlorococcus.

September 29, 2017, European Researchers Night:

Mari did a short talk at Cafe Malaga explaining the importance of phytoplankton for all of us. You can watch in full here.

September 20, 2017:

Lupe, Mari and Antonio are ready to participate in #Europeanresearchersnight 2017! 

July 26, 2017:

Tina made a video abstract for our paper recently published in mSystems, about the N limitation effects on Prochlorooccus. This video was published by the American Society for Microbiology at their youtube channel:

September 22, 2016:

Marine bacteria became low cost to exploit waters with low resources

January 16, 2015:

Maria del Carmen Munoz-Marin awarded the Jacobo Cardenas Torres prize, for papers in experimental sciences, for her manuscript published in PNAS in 2013

April 22, 2013:

Blue-green algae source sugar from the oceans

April 21, 2013:

The king of the sea measures 0.4 microns and lives from light and glucose