




Research grants

Last updated: September 18, 2024

Vesicles and nanotubes-mediated communication between marine cyanobacteria 

Spanish State Research Agency

Generation of Knowledge Projects PID2022 141370NA-I00

PI MC Muñoz-Marín

Elucidating the structure of the light-hervesting antenna and the role of carotenoid-binding proteins in marine cyanobacteria

Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation - European Union 

Research Consolidation Projects CNS2022-136043


PI MA Domínguez-Martín

Effects of global warming on key ecological aspects of the marine cyanobacteria Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus

Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation - European Union 

Ecological Transition and Digital Transition Projects TED2021-129142B-I00


PI JM García-Fernández

Interactions between the marine cyanobacteria Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus and coexistent heterotrophic bacteria

Universidad de Córdoba - Junta de Andalucía - FEDER-UCO project 1380227


PI: JM García-Fernández

Communication between marine bacteria mediated by vesicles

Universidad de Córdoba - Junta de Andalucía -  FEDER-UCO project 1380795


PI: MC Muñoz-Marín

High affinity transporters as key adaptive mechanisms

in the ecological success of marine picocyanobacteria

Junta de Andalucía - Frontier Projects P20_00052


PI: JM García-Fernández

Interactions between marine cyanobacteria mediated by vesicles

Universidad de Córdoba - Projects UCO-IMPULSA


PI: MC Muñoz-Marín

Overexpression and structural studies of GlcH from Prochlorococcus

Post-doc grant to J.A. Moreno-Cabezuelo

Junta de Andalucía - Second phase of researchers formation

attached to the Excellence Project P12-BIO-2141


PI: JM García-Fernández

VESYNECH - Determination of bacterial vesicles interactions in the most abundant marine cyanobacteria and its potential applications

European Union, Global Fellowship awarded to M.C. Muñoz-Marín



PI: JM García-Fernández

PHOTO-CY-APPS - Photosynthesis and photoprotection regulation in marine cyanobacteria and its potential applications

European Union, Global Fellowship awarded to M.A. Domínguez-Martín



PI: JM García-Fernández

& C. Kerfeld (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, California, USA)

High affinity transport and other adaptive mechanisms in marine cyanobacteria

Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness: BFU2016-76227-P


PI: JM García-Fernández

Carbon and nitrogen metabolism in marine cyanobacteria:

use of glucose and diversity of regulatory mechanisms

Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness: BFU2013-44767-P


PI: JM García-Fernández

TRANSUCYNA - Analyzing metabolism in an unusual nitrogen fixing symbiosis

using metatranscriptomics

European Union, International Outgoing Fellowship to M.C. Muñoz-Marín



PI: JM García-Fernández

& J Zehr (University of California-Santa Cruz)

Organic carbon utilization and nitrogen and carbon metabolism in the marine cyanobacteria Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus

Junta de Andalucía - Excellence Projects: P12-BIO-2141


PI: JM García-Fernández

Glucose utilization and adaptive and control mechanisms in the metabolism of nitrogen and carbon in Prochlorococcus

Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation: BFU2009-08008/BMC


PI: JM García-Fernández 

Adaptive mechanisms and control pathways in the nitrogen and carbon metabolism in Prochlorococcus

Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology: BFU2006-10011/BMC


PI: JM García-Fernández

Keys of the ecologic success of the marine cyanobacteria Prochlorococcus:

proteome and gene expression studies focused on the nitrogen and carbon metabolism

Junta de Andalucía - Excellence Projects: P07-CVI-3055


PI: JM García-Fernández

The comparative redox proteome

Junta de Andalucía - Excellence Projects: P06-CVI-1611


Local PI: J Díez. Coordinator: JA Bárcena

Nitrogen assimilation and Krebs cycle in marine and freshwater cyanobacteria: relationships and adaptive mechanisms.

Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology: BMC2003-09218-CO2-01


PI: J Díez

Study of nitrogen assimilation in the marine oxyphotobacteria Prochlorococcus

CICYT: MAR1999-1709-CE


PI: J Díez

Molecular ecology of the photosynthetic procaryote Prochlorococcus,

a key organism in marine ecosystems

MASTIII program, European Union: MAS3-CT97-0128


Local PI: JM García-Fernández

Coordinator: F Partensky