
Last updated: September 18, 2024


Vera-Delgado JM, Alcívar-Pólit P, Panta-Vélez RR, Rodríguez-Díaz JM, Díez-Dapena J, López-Lozano A & Maddela NR. Identification and composition of cyanobacteria in ecuadorian shrimp farming ponds - possible risk to human health. Current Microbiology 81:237.

doi 10.1007/s00284-024-03765-y

Angulo-Cánovas E, Bartual A, López-Igual R#, Luque I#, Radzinski NP, Shilova I, Anjur-Dietrich M, García-Jurado G, Ubeda B, Gonzalez-Reyes JA, Díez J, Chisholm SW, García- Fernández JM* & Muñoz-Marín MC*. Direct interaction beteween marine cyanobacteria mediated by nanotubes. Science Advances 10(21). doi 10.1126/sciadv.adj1539

García-Oneto T, Moyano-Bellido C & Domínguez-Martín MA. Structure and function of the light-protective Orange Carotenoid Protein families. Current Research in Structural Biology 7, 100141. doi 10.1016/j.crstbi.2024.100141

Muñoz-Marín MC, López-Lozano A, Moreno-Cabezuelo J, Díez J* & García-Fernández JM*. Mixotrophy in cyanobacteria. Current Opinion in Microbiology 78:102432, invited review.

doi 10.1016/j.mib.2024.102432.


Muñoz-Marín MC, Magasin JD & Zehr JP. Open ocean and coastal strains of the N2-fixing cyanobacterium UCYN-A have distinct transcriptomes. PLOS ONE 18 (5): e0272674

doi 10.1371/journal.pone.0272674

Moreno-Cabezuelo JA, Gómez-Baena G, Díez J & García-Fernández JM. Integrated proteomic and metabolomic analysis show differential effects of glucose availability in marine Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus. Microbiology Spectrum 11(1): e03275-22

doi 10.1128/spectrum.03275-22

Moreno-Cabezuelo JA,  Muñoz-Marín MC, López-Lozano A, Athayde D,  Simón-García A, Diez J, Archer M, Issoglio FM & García-Fernández JM. Production, homology modeling and mutagenesis studies on GlcH glucose transporter from Prochlorococcus sp. strain SS120.

BBA Bioenergetics 1864 (2): 148954 doi 10.1016/j.bbabio.2022.148954

Díez J, López-Lozano FA, Domínguez-Martín MA, Gómez-Baena G, Muñoz-Marín MC, Melero-Rubio Y & García-Fernández JM.  Regulatory and metabolic adaptations in the nitrogen assimilation of marine picocyanobacteria. FEMS Microbiology Reviews 47 (1)

 doi 10.1093/femsre/fuac043

We posted a comment at #FEMSmicroBlog


Muñoz-Marín MC. Mixotrophy in depth. Nature Microbiology.

doi 10.1038/s41564-022-01251-4

Muñoz-Marín MC, Duhamel S, Björkman K, Magasin J, Díez J, Karl DM & García-Fernández JM.  Differential timing for glucose assimilation in Prochlorococcus and coexistent microbial populations in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. Microbiology Spectrum 10 (5): e02466-22

doi 10.1128/spectrum.02466-22

Sil S, Tilluck RW, Mohan TM T, Leslie CH, Rose JB, Domínguez-Martín MA, Lou W, Kerfeld CA & Beck WF. Excitation energy transfer and vibrionic coherence in intact phycobilisomes. Nature Chemistry. doi 10.1038/s41557-022-01026-8

Domínguez-Martín MA*, Sauer PV*, Kirst H, Sutter M, Bina D, Greber BJ, Nogales E, Polivka T & Kerfeld CA. Structures of a phycobilisome in light-harvesting and photo protected states. Nature

doi 10.1038/s41586-022-05156-4

Domínguez-Martín MA*, López-Lozano*, Melero-Rubio Y, Gómez-Baena G, Díez J & García-Fernández JM. Marine Synechococcus sp. strain WH7803 shows specific adaptive responses to assimilate nanomolar concentrations of nitrate. Microbiology Spectrum 10 (4): e00187-22.

doi 10.1128/spectrum.00187-22

Biller, SJ*#, Muñoz-Marín MC*#, Lima S, Matinha-Cardoso J, Tamagnini P & Oliveira P#. Isolation and characterization of cyanobacterial extracellular vesicles. Journal of Visualized Experiments. doi 10.3791/63481


Muñoz-Marín MC*, Gómez-Baena G*, López-Lozano A, Moreno-Cabezuelo JA, Díez J & García-Fernández JM (2020) Mixotrophy in marine cyanobacteria: use of organic compounds by Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus. The ISME Journal 14, 1065–1073.

doi 10.1038/s41396-020-0603-9.

We posted a “Behind the paper” comment at the Nature Microbiology Research Community.

* Co-first authors

Domínguez-Martín MA, Hammel M, Gupta S, Lechno-Yossef S, Sutter M, Rosemberg DJ, Chen Y, Petzold CJ, Ralston CY, Polivka T & Kerfeld CA (2020) Structural analysis of a new carotenoid-binding protein: the C-terminal domain homolog of the OCP. Scientific Reports 10(1) 15564

doi 10.1038/s41598-020-72383-y


Khan T, Domínguez-Martín MA, Simova I, Fuciman M,  Kerfeld CA & Polivka T (2020) Excited-state properties of canthaxanthin in cyanobacterial carotenoid binding proteins HCP2 and HCP3. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 124 (24) 4896-4905 doi 10.1021/acs.jpcb.0c03137

Kuznetsova V, Domínguez-Martín MA, Bao H, Gupta S, Sutter M, Kloz M, Rebarz M, Precek M, Chen Y, Petzold CJ, Ralston CY, Kerfeld CA & Polivka T (2020) Comparative ultrafast spectroscopy and structural analysis of OCP1 and OCP2 from Tolypothrix. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics 1861: 148120


Moreno-Cabezuelo JA (2019) Glucose uptake in marine cyanobacteria: regulation, expression of the transporter and effects on the proteome and metabolome. PhD thesis. Universidad de Cordoba.

Moreno-Cabezuelo JA, López-Lozano A, Díez J & García-Fernández JM (2019) Differential expression of the glucose transporter gene glcH in response to glucose and light in marine picocyanobacteria.

PeerJ 6:e6248. doi 10.7717/peerj.6248 

Domínguez-Martín MA, Polivka T, Sutter M, Ferlez B, Lechno-Yossef S, Montgomery BL & Kerfeld CA (2019) Structural and spectroscopic characterization of HCP2. Biochimica Biophysica Acta -Bioenergetics 1860: 414-424. doi 10.1016/j.bbabio.2019.03.004

Domínguez-Martín MA & Kerfeld CA (2019) Engineering the orange carotenoid protein for applications in synthetic biology. Current Opinion in Structural Biology 57: 110-117. doi 10.1016/

Muñoz-Marín MC, Shilova I, Shi T, Farnelid H, Cabello-Perez A & Zehr J (2019) The transcriptional cycle is suited to daytime N2 fixation in the unicellular cyanobacterium Candidatus Atelocyanobacterium thalassa (UCYN-A) mBio 10:e02495-18. doi 10.1128/mBio.02495-18

Cornejo-Castillo FM*, Muñoz-Marín MC*, Turk-Kubo KA, Royo-Llonch M, Farnelid H, Acinas SG

& Zehr JP (2019) UCYN-A3, a newly characterized open ocean sublineage of the symbiotic N2-fixing cyanobacterium Candidatus Atelocyanobacterium thalassa.

Environmental Microbiology 21 (1): 111-124. doi 10.1111/1462-2920.14429


Domínguez-Martín MA, López-Lozano A, Claveria-Gimeno R, Velazquez-Campoy A, Seidel G,

Burkovski A, Díez J & García-Fernández JM (2018)

Differential NtcA responsiveness to 2-oxoglutarate underlies

the diversity of C/N balance regulation in Prochlorococcus. Frontiers in Microbiology 8: 2641

doi 10.3389/fmicb.2017.02641

Domínguez-Martín MA, López-Lozano A, Rangel-Zúñiga OA, Díez J & García-Fernández JM (2018)

Distinct features of C/N balance regulation in Prochlorococcus sp. strain MIT9313.

FEMS Microbiology Letters 365. doi 10.1093/femsle/fnx278. Original version.


Domínguez-Martín MA, Gómez-Baena G, Díez J, López-Grueso MJ, Beynon RJ & García-Fernández JM (2017) Quantitative proteomics shows extensive remodeling induced by N limitation in Prochlorococcus marinus SS120. mSystems 2 (3): e0008-17.

doi 10.1128/mSystems.00008-17


Muñoz-Marín MC*, Gómez-Baena G*, Díez J, Beynon RJ, Gonzalez-Ballester D, Zubkov MV & García-Fernández JM (2017) Glucose uptake in Prochlorococcus: diversity of kinetics and effects on the metabolism. Frontiers in Microbiology 8:327. doi 10.3389/fmicb.2017.00327

Zehr JP, Shilova IN, Farnelid HM, Muñoz-Marín MC, Turk-Kubo KA (2017) Unusual marine unicellular symbiosis with the nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium UCYN-A. Nature Microbiology 2:16214. doi 10.1038/nmicrobiol.2016.214


Domínguez-Martín MA, Díez J & García-Fernández JM (2016) Physiological studies of glutamine synthetases GSI and GSIII from Synechococcus sp. WH7803 reveal differential regulation. Frontiers in Microbiology 7:969. doi 10.3389/fmicb.2016.00969

Farnelid H, Turk-Kubo K, Muñoz-Marín MC, Zehr JP (2016) New insights into the ecology of the globally significant uncultured nitrogen-fixing symbiont UCYN-A Aquatic Microbial Ecology 77: 125-138 doi 10.3354/ame01794 


Gómez-Baena G, Domínguez-Martín MA, Donaldson RP, García-Fernández JM & Díez J (2015) Glutamine synthetase sensitivity to oxidative modification during nutrient starvation in Prochlorococcus marinus PCC 9511. PLOS ONE 10(8):e0135322. doi 10.1371/journal.pone.0135322

Domínguez-Martín MA. Diversity of regulatory mechanisms in the C/N metabolism of the marine cyanobacteria Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus. PhD thesis. Universidad de Cordoba.


Domínguez-Martín MA, López-Lozano A, Díez J, Gómez-Baena G, Rangel-Zúñiga OA & García-Fernández JM (2014) Physiological regulation of isocitrate dehydrogenase and the role of 2-oxoglutarate in Prochlorococcus sp. strain PCC 9511. PLOS ONE 9 (7):e103380.



Muñoz-Marín MC. Utilization of glucose by Prochlorococcus: characterization of the Pro1404 transporter and metabolic effects. PhD thesis. Universidad de Cordoba.

Muñoz-Marín MC, Luque I, Zubkov MV, Hill PG, Díez J & García-Fernández JM. (2013) Prochlorococcus can use the Pro1404 transporter to take up glucose at nanomolar concentrations in the Atlantic Ocean. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 110 (21): 8597-8602. doi 10.1073/pnas.1221775110


McDonagh B, Domínguez-Martín MA, Gómez-Baena G, López-Lozano A, Díez J, Barcena JA & García-Fernández JM (2012) Nitrogen starvation induces extensive changes in the redox proteome of Prochlorococcus sp. strain SS120. Environmental Microbiology Reports, 4 (2): 257-267. doi 10.1111/j.1758-2229.2012.00331.x

Muñoz-Marín MC, Domínguez-Martín MA, Gómez-Baena G, Rangel-Zúñiga OA, López-Lozano A, Díez J, Toribio F, Beynon RJ & García-Fernández JM (2012) Metabolismo del carbono y nitrogeno en Prochlorococcus. Avances en el Metabolismo del Nitrogeno: Evolucion e integracion de las rutas del metabolismo nitrogenado en el equilibrio biogeoquimico. MD Roldan-Ruiz, F Castillo & VM Luque eds, pp. 205-217.


Gómez-Baena G, López-Lozano A, Rangel OA, Donaldson RP, García-Fernández JM & Díez J (2010) Oxidative stress in Prochlorococcus: degradation of glutamine synthetase and effect on protease gene expression. Free Radicals & Oxidative Stress in Biology and Medicine. Center for Integrative Mediterranean Studies. Sicania.


Rangel OA, Gómez-Baena G, López-Lozano A, Díez J & García-Fernández JM (2009) Physiological role and regulation of glutamate dehydrogenase in Prochlorococcus sp. strain MIT9313. Environmental Microbiology Reports , 1: 56-64. doi: 10.1111/j.1758-2229.2008.00005.x

See also commentary on the paper above by Prof. Juan Luis Ramos:

Ramos, JL (2009) Short and direct science: Environmental Microbiology Reports.

Environmental Microbiology Reports 1: 217-219.

López-Lozano A, Gómez-Baena G, Muñoz-Marín MC, Rangel OA, Díez J & García-Fernández JM (2009) Expression of genes involved in nitrogen assimilation and the C/N balance sensing in Prochlorococcus sp. strain SS120. Gene Expression, 14: 279-289. doi 10.3727/105221609788681204

Gómez-Baena G, Rangel OA, López-Lozano A, García-Fernández JM & Díez J (2009) Stress responses in Prochlorococcus MIT9313 vs SS120 involve differential expression of genes encoding proteases ClpP, FtsH and Lon. Research in Microbiology, 160: 567-575. doi 10.1016/j.resmic.2009.08.009

García-Fernández JM, López-Lozano A, Gómez-Baena G, Rangel OA, Toribio F & Díez J (2009) Regulacion de la interaccion carbono/nitrogeno en Prochlorococcus. Avances en el Metabolismo del Nitrogeno: de la genomica y la proteomica a las aplicaciones agronomicas, industriales y medioambientales. MJ Bonete & RM Martinez-Espinosa, pp. 202-209. Editorial Club Universitario, Alicante. ISBN 978-84-8454-806-5

Gómez-Baena G, López-Lozano A, Gil-Martinez J, Lucena JM, Díez J , Candau P & García-Fernández JM (2009) Transporte de glucosa en Prochlorococcus. Avances en el Metabolismo del Nitrogeno: de la genomica y la proteomica a las aplicaciones agronomicas, industriales y medioambientales. MJ Bonete & RM Martinez-Espinosa, pp. 210-217. Editorial Club Universitario, Alicante. ISBN 978-84-8454-806-5

Rangel Zúñiga OA, Gómez-Baena G, López-Lozano A, García-Fernández JM & Díez Dapena J (2009) Caracterizacion, regulacion y expresion de la glutamato deshidrogenasa de Prochlorococcus MIT9313. Avances en el Metabolismo del Nitrogeno: de la genomica y la proteomica a las aplicaciones agronomicas, industriales y medioambientales. MJ Bonete & RM Martinez-Espinosa, pp. 42-49. Editorial Club Universitario, Alicante. ISBN 978-84-8454-806-5

López-Lozano A, Gómez-Baena G, Rangel OA, Díez J & García-Fernández JM (2009) Regulacion de la isocitrato deshidrogenasa y otros genes relacionados con el metabolismo del carbono y el nitrogeno en Prochlorococcus. Avances en el Metabolismo del Nitrogeno: de la genomica y la proteomica a las aplicaciones agronomicas, industriales y medioambientales. MJ Bonete & RM Martinez-Espinosa, pp- 248-255. Editorial Club Universitario, Alicante. ISBN 978-84-8454-806-5


Gómez-Baena G, López-Lozano A, Gil-Martinez J, Lucena JM, Díez J, Candau P & García-Fernández JM (2008) Glucose uptake and its effect on gene expression in Prochlorococcus. PLOS ONE 3(10) e3416. doi 10.1371/journal.pone.0003416

Rangel, O (2008) Caracterizacion y regulacion fisiologica de enzimas implicadas en la asimilacion de nitrogeno organico en Prochlorococcus. PhD thesis. Universidad de Cordoba

García-Fernández JM, Gómez-Baena G, López-Lozano A, Rangel OA, Toribio F & Díez J (2008) Prochlorococcus marinus: some keys for an ecological success. Center for Integrative Mediterranean Studies Proceedings: New Strides in Biotechnology. Anastasi GP, Saija A, Gonzalez Roncero MI, Torres Aguilar M, Newsome HH & Skunda R. eds., p. 163-171. Sicania. ISBN 978-88-7268-123-7


Gómez-Baena, G (2007) Papel fisiologico de la oxidacion catalizada por metales en la regulacion de la glutamina sintetasa de Prochlorococcus. PhD thesis. Universidad de Cordoba

López-Lozano, A (2007) Caracterizacion y regulacion fisiologica de la isocitrato deshidrogenasa de Prochlorococcus sp. PhD thesis. Universidad de Cordoba


Gómez-Baena G, García-Fernández JM, López-Lozano A, Toribio F & Díez J (2006): Glutamine synthetase degradation is controlled by oxidative proteolysis in the marine cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus marinus strain PCC 9511. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1760: 930-940.

doi 10.1016/j.bbagen.2006.01.016


García-Fernández JM, El Alaoui S, López-Lozano A, Gómez-Baena G, Rangel-Zúñiga O, Toribio F & Díez J (2005) Mecanismos adaptativos de la asimilacion de nitrogeno en Prochlorococcus. Avances en el Metabolismo del Nitrogeno: de los Microorganismos a las Plantas. Vega JM, Marquez AJ, Vigara AJ, Vilchez C & Garbayo I. Academia de Ciencias, Artes y Letras de Huelva y Centro Asociado de la UNED en Huelva. p. 155-166. ISBN: 84-96373-55-X

Gómez-Baena G, Toribio F, García-Fernández JM & Díez J (2005) Regulacion in vivo de la degradacion de la glutamina sintetasa de Prochlorococcus. Avances en el Metabolismo del Nitrogeno: de los Microorganismos a las Plantas. Vega JM, Marquez AJ, Vigara AJ, Vilchez C & Garbayo I. Academia de Ciencias, Artes y Letras de Huelva y Centro Asociado de la UNED en Huelva. p. 225-236. ISBN: 84-96373-55-X

López-Lozano A, Díez J & García-Fernández, JM (2005) Estudio de la isocitrato deshidrogenasa en las estirpes PCC 9511 y SS120 de Prochlorococcus. Avances en el Metabolismo del Nitrogeno: de los Microorganismos a las Plantas. Vega JM, Marquez AJ, Vigara AJ, Vilchez C & Garbayo I. Academia de Ciencias, Artes y Letras de Huelva y Centro Asociado de la UNED en Huelva. p. 375-386. ISBN: 84-96373-55-X

Rangel-Zúñiga O, López-Lozano A, Gómez-Baena G, Díez J & García-Fernández (2005) Utilizacion diferencial de fuentes de nitrogeno organicas en Prochlorococcus. Avances en el Metabolismo del Nitrogeno: de los Microorganismos a las Plantas. Vega JM, Marquez AJ, Vigara AJ, Vilchez C & Garbayo I. Academia de Ciencias, Artes y Letras de Huelva y Centro Asociado de la UNED en Huelva. p. 217-224. ISBN: 84-96373-55-X


García-Fernández JM, Tandeau de Marsac N & Díez J (2004) Streamlined regulation and gene loss as adaptive mechanisms in Prochlorococcus for optimized nitrogen utilization in oligotrophic environments. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews 68-4: 630-638.

doi 10.1128/MMBR.68.4.630-638.2004

García-Fernández JM & Díez J (2004) Adaptive mechanisms of nitrogen and carbon assimilatory pathways in the marine cyanobacteria Prochlorococcus. Research in Microbiology 155-10: 795-802.

doi 10.1016/j.resmic.2004.06.009


El Alaoui S, Díez J, Toribio F, Gómez-Baena G, Dufresne A & García-Fernández JM (2003) Glutamine synthetase from Prochlorococcus: characterization, phylogeny and response to nutrient starvation. Environmental Microbiology 5: 412-423 doi 10.1046/j.1462-2920.2003.00433.x


Purificacion, caracterizacion y mecanismos adaptativos de la glutamina sintetasa en la oxifotobacteria marina Prochlorococcus (2002) PhD thesis. Universidad de Cordoba

López-Lozano A, Díez J, El Alaoui S, Moreno-Vivian C & García-Fernández JM (2002) Nitrate is reduced by heterotrophic bacteria but not transferred to Prochlorococcus in non axenic cultures. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 41-2: 141-150. doi 10.1111/j.1574-6941.2002.tb00976.x

El Alaoui S, Díez J, Humanes L, Toribio F & García-Fernández JM. (2002): Mecanismos adaptativos de la regulacion de la glutamina sintetasa en la oxifotobacteria marina Prochlorococcus. Avances en el Metabolismo del Nitrogeno: de la Biologia Molecular a la Agronomia. PM Aparicio, ed. pp. 225-232. Universidad de Publica de Navarra. ISBN 84-95075-88-1.

Gómez-Baena G, Humanes Martin L, El Alaoui S, García-Fernández JM & Díez-Dapena J (2002) Modificacion oxidativa de la glutamina sintetasade Prochlorococcus. Avances en el Metabolismo del Nitrogeno: de la Biologia Molecular a la Agronomia.Aparicio, PM ed. pp. 145-153. Universidad de Publica de Navarra. ISBN 84-95075-88-1.

López-Lozano A, Díez J, El Alaoui S & García-Fernández JM (2002) Incapacidad para asimilar nitrato de la oxifotobacteria marina Prochlorococcus. 2002. Avances en el Metabolismo del Nitrogeno: de la Biologia Molecular a la Agronomia. Aparicio, PM ed. pp. 47-54. Universidad de Publica de Navarra. ISBN 84-95075-88-1.


El Alaoui S, Díez J, Humanes L, Toribio F, Partensky F & García-Fernández JM (2001) In vivo regulation of glutamine synthetase activity in the marine chlorophyll b-containing cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus sp. strain PCC 9511 (Oxyphotobacteria). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 67: 2202-2207. doi 10.1128/AEM.67.5.2202-2207.2001

Gómez-Baena G, Díez J, García-Fernández JM, El Alaoui S & Humanes L (2001): Regulation of glutamine synthetase by metal-catalyzed oxidative modification in the marine oxyphotobacterium Prochlorococcus. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1566: 237-244.

doi doi 10.1016/S0304-4165(01)00226-4


El Alaoui S, Díez J, López-ruiz A, Gómez-Baena G, Partensky F & García-Fernández JM (2000) Asimilacion de nitrogeno en el procariota fotosintetico marino Prochlorococcus. Avances en el metabolismo del nitrogeno: Bioquimica, fisiologia y biologia molecular. Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Malaga. ISBN 84-7496-842-9.


García-Fernández JM, Hess WR, Houmard J & Partensky F (1998) Expression of the psbA gene in the marine oxyphotobacteria Prochlorococcus spp. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 359: 17-23.

doi 10.1006/abbi.1998.0862


Hess WR, Partensky F, Van der Staay GWM, García-Fernández JM, Boerner T & Vaulot D (1996) Coexistence of phycoerythrin and a chlorophyll a/b antenna in a marine prokaryote. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 93: 1126-11130. doi 10.1073/pnas.93.20.11126


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